I Made My 1st Million In My Underwear...

I made my 1st million in my underwear...

Not joking.

I sat there, in my bedroom... Making money hand over fist... in my BOXER SHORTS.

And at the time, all I would do all day is PLAY COUNTER STRIKE, or WORLD OF WARCRAFT or whatever...

I was a PROPER adult NERD really...

Other people in their 20's were living life... I was LIVING A FANTASY.

I did NOTHING...

And I got paid.

Very, VERY well.

(...in hindsight, living like that was STUPID and a WASTE, but at the time, it felt right...)

I'd do so little, I'd fill my days with NONSENSE and decide what I would do that day with trivial, meaningless stuff like, SHOULD I DRIVE TO IKEA to buy a 50p hotdog today?!?

Or should I just play more computer games... 


But I was making MORE money than ANYBODY I knew, and I was doing ZERO work for it...


For weeks. Months. YEARS at a time!

All of that is because instead of doing what my friends did and get a JOB....

I decided I WOULD DO MY OWN THING on this new fangle dangle internet thinga ma jig!

And WOW... What a RIDE since.

Council estate kid who grew up with NOTHING, bought his first FERRARI with his INTERNET MONEY....

Then he bought a NIGHTCLUB and seemingly 'became somebody' at least for a while, OVERNIGHT... With his INTERNET MONEY...

And NOW, I enjoy a very comfortable 6-figure income which at some point will become a 7-figure and then 8-figure income... ALL BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET...

YOU are probably living in the OLD paradigm... Your PARENTS paradigm...

They told you. Go to college. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Save for retirement AND THEN DIE!

Sounds SAFE, SOLID advice...

That ADVICE sucks SO bad, it hurts...

It DID apply 'back then', it really did... once upon a time, it WAS good advice...

But honestly? NOW? It's outdated... and just PLAIN STUPID.

If you are reading this RIGHT NOW, you have already PROVEN you are NOT like the masses...

You have STRONG ENTREPRENEURIAL tendencies...

And you should HARNESS and EXPLOIT those NATURALLY advantageous personal characteristics!


You have an advantage! Most people are NOT business minded and never will be, but YOU ARE!

Which makes you SPECIAL....

But what are you doing right now to get VALUE from your advantages?

If you're like MOST people, you are bouncing around from one idea to the next, never able to make LOTS of progress because you try one opportunity, then the next, then the next... YOU NEVER SEEM TO BE ABLE TO FOCUS FOR LONG...

And you KNOW, it's your downfall.

Don't worry, it's NOT your fault... It's the way the 'system' is, and how our 'brains work'...

It's NOT YOU... BUT... you acknowledge, you need to CHANGE all that...

Well, it's the perfect time to CHANGE that...

You need to PICK something, and FOCUS on it until you BRUTE FORCE that bad-boy into working!

By Matt Webley

Secret Wealth Project


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